Cheena Bhavana, Visva-Bharati
Department of Chinese Language & Culture
印 度 国 际 大 学 中 国 学 院
Our students on average better then nationwide averages where Chinese Language & Culture studied
For Admission & related query !
Contact Now: cheenabhavana.visvabharati@gmail.com

Dr. Avijit Banerjee with Amitemdranath Tagore, student of first batch of Cheena Bhavana - 1940

总领事与印度国际大学师生交流 2017年1月3日,印度国际大学副校长Swapnil Kumar Dutta教授率领该校5名教授和6名学生于访问印度驻上海总领事馆,与总领事进行交流。代表团目前正访问中国华东地区。 作为此行之一,他们将与上海图书馆签署一份合作备忘录,其中上海图书馆每年将向印度国际大学图书馆提供500本与有关中国研究的图书。交流期间,总领事向他们介绍了印度领事馆在华东地区开展的活动。总领事向大学代表团承诺将提供全力支持,如果他们需要从该地区得到任何协助,请他们联系印度领事馆。 2016年1月3日

Dr. Avijit Banerjee with Amitemdranath Tagore, student of first batch of Cheena Bhavana - 1940
Request a free 15 minute consultation
Rabindranath Tagore said
This is, indeed, a great day for me, a day long looked for, when I should be able to redeem, on behalf of our people, an ancient pledge implicit in our past, the pledge to maintain the intercourse of culture and friendship between our people and the people of China, an intercourse whose foundations were laid eighteen hundred years back by our ancestors with infinite patience and sacrifice.


Three (03) students are posted as Interpreters in the Offices of Government of India.
One (01) student is posted as Senior Interpreters in Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
1. In order to encourage contact and cooperation between the faculty members, departments and other affiliated institutes and programmes, Visva-Bharati and Yunnan University, Kunming, China signed an MOU in July, 2011. The MOU was extended for a period of three years in April, 2013. Under this MOU, seven Chinese teachers had taken part in the teaching and research programme of the department. Under this programme, till date, thirty students from Yunnan University visited Visva-Bharati and about forty students from Visva-Bharati visited Yunnan University. The MOU had also provision for exchange of students and faculty between the two universities.

Chinese President Xi Jinping conferred the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Friendship Award on the Department of Chinese Language and Culture (Cheena-Bhavana) Visva-Bharati University on 19th September, 2014 at a function in New Delhi for the departments contribution to uphold The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, strengthening people to people friendship and promoting world peace and development.

MoU with other Institutions
Online Chinese Quiz Competition by Cheena Bhavana, Visva-Bharati on Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020 at 10:30 am onwards.
Two Day webinar on Understanding China from Multidisciplinary Perspective organized by Department of Chinese language & Culture ( Cheena Bhavana), Visva-Bharati during December 09-10, 2020.
Videos links (Inauguration, 1st Day, and 2nd Day)
Classes of B.A. and M.A. will commence from January 03, 2020.
Routine from June 2020
Department of Chinese language & Culture (Cheena Bhavana)
Dr. Avijit Banerjee, interview with Chinese Newspaper "Global Times".
চিনাভবনে চালু ‘ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ ল্যাব’, শেখাবে সঠিক উচ্চারণ
Consul General Ma Zhanwu Meets Head of Cheena Bhavana in India
Class Time Table


2. Cheena Bhavana Library has signed MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with Shanghai Library, People’s Republic of China on November 03, 2016 for three years. Through this MOA, Shanghai Library will provide 500 copies of books in the 1st year of MOA and subsequently 100 books per year. This will be of great help in collection and development of Cheena Bhavana Library, Library resource sharing would be possible for library catalogue database, books, journals, etc., This MOA between the two libraries possess important significance for India China educational exchanges.
3. Visva-Bharati University signed an MOU with Yunnan Minzu University,Kunming, Chin on 31st December, 2016 which is intended to further academic objectives of each institution and to promote better understanding between the faculty and students of Visva-Bharati University and the faculty and students of YMU

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It is a very rare opportunity in my life to participate in such a grand ceremony. Therefore, with infinite delight I made a promise to come and take part; I firmly believe that I must come and join in the celebrations. Because the greatness of this ceremony does not confine itself to the ever lasting memories of these two countries in the past, but also points to the great expectation of their friendship in the future. Thus, it will forge a new link which will enable our two countries, India and China to come closer to each other in due time.
— Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s former Prime Minister
I hope this Cheena-Bhavana is a symbol of renewed relations between India and China.
— Mahatma Gandhi