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Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma is working as an Assistant Librarian & in-charge, Cheena Bhavana Library & Additional charge, Hindi Bhavana Library, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan. Prior to selection in the Visva-Bharati he has worked as an Assistant Librarian in Central Library of Mangalayatan University, Aligarh. He is well recognized amongst the library professionals for his work as a Project Associate in the INDEST- AICTE Consortium of Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) at Central Library, IIT Delhi under the co- ordinatorship of Dr. Jagdish Arora.



Educational Qualifications


He holds a Bachelor degree in Arts (Geography Hons.), B.L.I.S., M.L.I.S. from B.H.U, Varanasi. D.C.A from Computer Zone (Registered Under U.P. Govt.)


Honours and Awards


He has successfully cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) of UGC for Lectureship in Library Science in Dec. 2005 and also received Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) award in NET Conducted by U.G.C. in Dec. 2006 in the same subject.

Academic / Administrative Distinctions

  • Associate Editor of the journal entitled as "International Journal of Information Sources and Services (IJSS)".

  • Member of the Editorial board of journal entitled as "International Journal of Digital Information and Knowledge Management".

  • Web Consultant of Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya, Sainthia.

  • Member of the Editorial board of the journal entitled as "Sangeet Galaxy". 

  • Editor of the journal entitled as "International Journal of Digital Library Services".

  • Webmaster of Central Library, Visva-Bharati.

  • Webmaster of ABSLA (All Bengal School Librarian,s Association).

Edited Book Published

  • Education for all in the knowledge society: Role of school libraries, edited by Subal Chandra Biswas, Nimai Chand Saha, Ajay Kumar Sharma,, Kolkata: All Bengal School Librarians' Association, 2010. ISBN: 978-81-8465-158-4.


Published Research Papers

  • Role of School Libraries in Promoting Education with Special Reference to Right to Education Act, by Ajay Kumar Sharma & Jitendra Kumar, In Proceeding of the 2nd ABSLA National Seminar on Towards Library-Centric Education in Secondary Level, held at Dr. Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Institution, Kolkata held during 06-07 September 2014. Pp. 44-53. ISBN: 978-93-51-96-959-4.

  • Indigenous Knowledge Communication in the 21st Century, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, In "International Journal of Digital Library Services", 4(1), Jan-Mar 2014. Pp.128-135.

  • Evaluation of E-resources, by Ajay Kumar Sharma & Jitendra Kumar, In Mukesh Saikia & Monawwer Eqbal (Eds.), E-resources Management in Libraries: Issues and Challenges, Guwahati: KK Publications, 2014. Pp. 210-221. ISBN: 978-93-81691-16-8. [Book chapter]

  • Contributions in the Proceedings of PLANNER (2006-2010): A Bibliometric Study, by Nimai Chand Saha, Subrna Kumar Das & Ajay Kumar Sharma, In "IASLIC Bulletin", 58(2), June 2013. Pp.93-107.

  • Digital Library Preservation: Strategies, Issues and Challenges, by Nirmalendu Pal, Ajay Kumar Sharma & Mrityunjoy De, In "Library Progress (International)", 32(2), December 2012. Pp.237-246.

  • Open Access Journals in the Field of Geography with Special Reference to DOAJ: A study, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, In "Gyankosh- The Journal of Library and Information Management", 2(2), July-December 2011. Pp. 1-14.

  • Computer : Prathamik Dharona, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Village Libraries in Changing Scenario, organized jointly by the Central Library , Visva-Bharati and RRRLF, Kolkata held during 03-05 March 2011. Pp. 40-41.

  • Library Portals: Bridging the information resources in a single nest, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, Biplav Nayak and Shubhajit Roy, In Proceedings of the National Conference on Knowledge Management in the Globalized Era, held during 21st to 23rd April 2010. Pp. 239-244.

  • University Library Services with special reference to Visva-Bharati Library: today's scenario and tomorrow's planning, by Nimai Chand Saha, Ajay Kumar Sharma and Suchismita Sarkar, In the proceeding of Golden Jubilee National Seminar, held at DLIS, Burdwan University, Burdwan, during April 08-09, 2010 [Abstract].

  • Major Initiatives for the Education & Development of the Rural Communities in the 21st Century: Indian Perspective, by Nimai Chand Saha, Ajay Kumar Sharma and Kanika Debnath, In Aditya Tripathi; H.N.Prasad & Rajni Mishra (Eds.), Open Source Library Solutions, New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2010. pp. 300-320. ISBN: 978-81-7000-623-7. [Book chapter]

  • Why Library Automation: School Library Perpective, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, In proceeding of the 1st ABSLA National Seminar on Education for all in the knowledge society: Role of school libraries, held at A.C.Teachers' Training College, Jalpaiguri from 09th to 10th January 2010.

  • Paradigm shift in library collection from print to electronic books and the state of art report of Visva-Bharati library: an overview, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, Nimai Chand Saha and Sujit Kujur, In "Research Digest", 5(1), Jan-Mar. 2010.

  • Library professionals in the e-society: skill requirement and production of LIS schools, by Nimai Chand Saha, Nirmalendu Pal and Ajay Kumar Sharma, In "Research Digest", 5(1), Jan-Mar. 2010.

  • Why Library Automation: School Library Perspective, by Ajay Kumar Sharma, In Proceeding of the 1st ABSLA National Seminar on Education for all in the Knowledge Society: Role of School Libraries, held at A.C. Teachers' Training College, Jalpaiguri held during 09-11 January 2010.

  • Indigenous Knowledge and their exchange in the ICT Era, by Ajay Kumar Sharma & Anita Vashistha, In Proceeding of the National Seminar on Role of Library in Organization and Transfer of Indigenous Knowledge, held at Vidyasagar University, Midnapore on 30th March 2009. [abstract]

  • Digitization, Strategies & Issues of Digital Preservation: An Insight View to Visva-Bharati Library, by Tapas Kumar Das; Ajay Kumar Sharma & Pritam Gurey, In Proceeding of the 7th International Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research (CALIBER - 2009) on E-Content Management: Challenges and Strategies, held at Pondicherry University, Puducherry from 25th to 27th February 2009.

  • Major Initiatives for the Education & Development of the Rural Communities in the 21st Century: Indian Perspective, by Nimai Chand Saha; Ajay Kumar Sharma & Kanika Debnath, In proceeding of the National Seminar of OSLS - 2009 on Open Source Library Solutions, held at Bananas Hindu University, Varanasi from 16th to 17th January 2009.

  • Application of Information and Communication Technologies in the University Libraries: Opportunity & Challenges, by Nimai Chand Saha; Tapas Kumar Das & Ajay Kumar Sharma, In proceeding of the 23rd National Seminar of IASLIC on Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm, held at Bose Institute, Kolkata from 10th to 13th December 2008.

  • Institutional Repositories & Skill Requirements, a New Horizon to Preserve the Intellectual Output: An Indian Perspective, by Ajay Kumar Sharma; Nimai Chand Saha & Kevinino Mechieo, In proceeding of the 6th Convention PLANNER - 2008 on Open Access, Open Source and Open Libraries (O3), held at Nagaland University, Dimapur from 06th to 07th November 2008.

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops Participation

  • Participate and presented an invited lecture on "Role of School Libraries in Promoting Education with Special Reference to Right to Education Act", in 2nd ABSLA National Seminar on "Towards Library-Centric Education in Secondary Level" held at Dr. Shyamaprasad Mukherjee Institution, Kolkata held during 06-07 September 2014.

  • Participated in "Librarians' Day 2014" organized by Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC), Bengal Library Association (BLA) and West Bengal Public Libraries Employees Association (WBPLEA) in collaboration with the Raja Rammohun Ray Library Foundation (RRRLF) and Visva-Bharati Library Network at the Natyaghar, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan - 731235, Birbhum, West Bengal on Sunday, August 17, 2014.

  • Participated in "93rd Orientation Programme" at UGC-Academic Staff College, The University of Burdwan from January 04-31, 2014.

  • Invited as Resource Person and Delivered lecture on 'Acquisition and Services Library Journals: Theoretical Aspect' in the Library Attendants Training Programme of the Casual Workers of Visva-Bharati, organized by the Rural Extension Centre (REC), Visva-Bharati on August 12, 2013 and also assisted on hands on training programme in processing work on August 16, 17 and 19, 2013 at the Conference Hall, Central Library, Visva-Bharati.

  • Participated in "National eGovernance Workshop (NeGP)", Organized by Computer Centre, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan at Lipika, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan on 3rd December 2012.

  • Participated in "E-Content 2012: National Seminar on Convergence of Content and Technology in Digital Age", Organized by Informatics (India) Limited held at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Kolkata on October 18, 2012.

  • Participated in "4th Refresher Course in Library & Information Science" at UGC-Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from 01/12/2011 - 21/12/2011.

  • Participated in "14th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2011)", Jointly Organised by DELNET, New Delhi and Central Library, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, held at Central Library, Visva-Bharati from November 15-17, 2011.

  • Invited as Resource Person in the 5th State Conference of All Bengal School Librarians' Association held at Laban Hrad Vidyapith, Salt Lake on 25th September 2011.

  • Invited as Resource Person and delivered lecture on March 05, 2011 with the title "Computer : Prathamik Dharona" in a three-day workshop jointly organized by RRRLF, Kolkata and Central Library, Visva-Bharati, on the occasion of 150 years birth Centenary Celebration of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore during March 03-05, 2011.

  • Delivered lecture in In-House LibSys Training Programme on "Serial module of LibSys: an overview" on October 04, 2010, held at GitanjaliNet, Central Library, Visva-Bharati.

  • Delivered lecture in In-House LibSys Training Programme on "UGC Infonet: an overview" on August 14, 2010, July 18, 2010 and July 12, 2010 held at GitanjaliNet, Central Library, Visva-Bharati.

  • Invited as Resource Person to deliver talk on Why library automation: school library perspective; and Koha Installation at 1st ABSLA National Seminar on "Education for all in the Knowledge Society: Role of Libraries" at A.C. Teachers' Training College, Jalpaiguri held during 09-11 January 2010.

  • Participated in "One Day DELNET Workshop cum Orientation Programme on DELNET Services" under the joint collaboration with DELNET, New Delhi and Central Library, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, held at Central Library, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan on May 05, 2009.

  • Participate and presented a paper in "Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North East Region (PLANNER) - 2008", theme on "Open Access, Open Source and Open Libraries (O3)", held at Nagaland University, Dimapur, from 6-7 November 2008.

  • Participated in "National Conference on Changing Information Landscape: Impact of ICT", held at NIFT (NRC), New Delhi from March 1-2, 2007.

  • Participated in "Workshop on Digital Libraries, Applications of DSpace", held at DELNET, New Delhi from Dec. 11-13, 2006.

  • Participated in "National Workshop on Web Applications to Libraries & Information Centers", held at Banaras Hindu University in the Year 2005.



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